The Coverage& Exclusive By. Sir Kempson Ari weYulu
@ZambiazHarshTag @KempsonAri

The super eccentric gifted included Marilyn (@4ev3rMarilyn) in her signature felt Stetson hat, winner of the best upcoming designer at Zambia Fashion Week Debbie Chu (@debbiechu101) and Musha in an architectural inspired bespoke frock. Yves (shares name with one of my favourite designers Yves Saint Laurent) Katongo also showed up in a stunning white calico piece with a print collar she had sewn the morning of the event… what passion for the craft indeed.
Wait! Did I just see and hear Fay with her stunning locks of natural shaggy hair & Betty (in her signature duku (head wrapper)) are headed to Paris while I was staring at and nodding at Lucie (@Lucie7) (in a fashionable stripped pink shirt) with best friend Nkole (@nkolewanseko) ? No, there was no drama or diva behaviour, everyone behaved themselves as the event was well organised and started on time. Thumbs up to the 100 strong crowd, each looking very original indeed, spotting their own eccentric designs and original African hair do’s.

If a bomb went off in the Intercontinental ballroom on Friday 21st August, Zambian fashion & arts and South Africa’s iconic designer David Tlale would have been wiped out with only an outstanding portfolio and legacy to survive the talent in the room. All protocols observed included the PS Ministry of Tourism and Arts and Culture Hon. Stephen Mwansa , The Zambian mother of the arts Mulenga Kapwepwe (@Mulengakapwepwe), The Zambia Fashion Week master mind Karen Nakawala, seated next two me where the award winning originators of Zambian fashion
blogging MaFasho (@MaFashio) and in front of me was the
retro Kutowa (@KutowaDesigns) visionary Towani Clarke
(@TowaniClarke). The running shout outs and selfies would not be complete
without an appearance by the sexiest news anchor on Zambian television
(ZNBC) Chitalu Mulenga (@chil_mwelwa). The event was indeed worth a
thousand selfies. David Tlale will also be in attendance at Zambian
Fashion Week 2015 (15th -17th October 2015).
Catch the full Tlale Exclusive: The Struggle Is Never In Vain Slayed David on Wed 26th August 2015, 3pm CAT at