Friday, November 6, 2015

Le Jour La Mode Zed A Grandi: Jour De Mode Annuel

Auteur. le parrain zambien de Blogging Sir Kempson Ari de Visé Jaffe Joffer

Rédaction Sound Track joué par @RhabsVhafuwiSA - Count Your Blessings @HeavykDrumboss & @BurnaBoy - Therapy @CalvinHarris - How Deep Is Your Love @Goodlucklive - Figure Of 8ight @Sarkodie - Chingam @AlinaBazra - Drift, Unfold @TenWallsMusic - Sparta @DjKhalid @Drake @rickyrozay @LilTunechi  - I'm On One @rickyrozay & @ChrisBrown - Sorry @G-Unit - Watch Me

t il arriva que le dernier samedi d'Octobre, #FashionDayOut sera un
événement annuel tenu en mon honneur que Zambienne (Zed) Mode à Foxdale Cour. Les suspects habituels Angelika Huwiler, Zila MILUPI, Bwayla Ngoma sont restés au-dessus de l'ensemble de la situation assistée par des bénévoles je salue pour aller la distance. Les soldats de l'effort de la mode et coupables venus en grand nombre, et rencontre également de nouvelles connaissances et les fashionistas, "l'amour vraiment moi," je contemplais comme je l'ai versé une larme. Les Millennias de Y @YMagZambia étaient également dans le méli-mélo avec des caméras et de l'énergie de la jeunesse. Je suis animé pour voir l'idée collective de la Fashion
Council Zambie, MAFASHOW et  @Foxdale burgeon et venir vivant avec brio et panache. L'essence de l'événement était le mode, mais la minutie et de la générosité avec laquelle chaque intervenant a été traité a fait la fête à l'africaine dans la nature avec une perspective universelle. Mon existence que la mode est avant tout la célébration de la façon dont la diversité nous sommes en tant que peuple et à travers ces jamborees explorant comment les diverses facultés de la mode peuvent habiliter et bénéficier du collectif et de renforcer le peuple. Fashion Day Out était nécessaire et ce qui manquait dans l'évolution de l'histoire de la Zambie de la mode, chapeaux.

L'accumulation a été épique, les blogueurs ont occupé, Facebook bourdonnait sur toutes les pages et Larry l'oiseau bleu Twitter a été en tweeting overdrive, #FashionDayOut a été une tendance au moment où le calendrier retourné au 31 Octobre. Foxdale Cour dans leur prévoyance fourni une connexion Wi-Fi pour la durée de l'événement août qui a facilité les activités de blogueur bloc et renforcé l'entreprise de médias sociaux. Ah oui la dame responsable de l'œuvre et de faire mon nom Mode et tout l'événement Day Out air si effervescente et pittoresque était l'incroyable Cathy Fundafunda. Son construal visuelle était une fusion qui englobait la quintessence de l'événement avec une palette déchiquetée et la livraison intemporel, ce badass que @CathyFundafunda! Je voyais sa coiffure venteux autour de la pop up bazars à la place. Quand je passe dans la région, Kahyi & Kii aka @MaFashio sont généralement aussi dans les choses voisinage de style lors d'événements et d'activités, ils étaient en plein effet de me faire une apparence spectaculaire comme ils le font Zed mode avec un tourbillon. Le tableau vivant aurait fait Olga Desmond fiers, ils ont ajouté du
piquant à l'elaborateness de la journée, les modèles Bravo. Prix ​​de la meilleure habillé va à la seule personne dans un costume d'Halloween avec les oreilles félines et tous, très original et sexy effet @Nana_Kalenge. Dj Chiti sur les ou
deux par deux filé airs pour les âges et maintenu le rythme et l'ambiance vivante. L'atmosphère @Atmosphere_news collective sur la technologie gardé l'audio et visuelle verbatim stable, ni Pompi @ThePompi ni Evans @EMulwele micro, Pompi (en correspondant avec brogues Wifey * rit *) était en fait derrière la lentille capture de la Fashion Think Tank Ambiance . Vlogger, la seule vlogger Je sais en Zambie @MissKundwe a également été tapi, attraper le lien à son Vlog à la fin de ce post. Pour aider à moi d'exprimer ce que je ressentais à propos de cette occasion magnanime, je me suis enrôlé l'aide de mon scribe noble @ZambiazHarshTag (Le Parrain du blogging), qui a également collaboré avec des photographes et autres blogueurs.

Les histoires partagéesauthentique et vive avec une sincérité déplacement, les questionsd'engagement qui fait le Think Tank une expérience fascinante et passionnante. L'Association Cercle Winners (WCA) @ WCAlive15 est certainement en train de gagner dans leurs activités centrées communautaires et a frappé un home run sérieux avec escale poignante percutant séances intimes. Assez déjà avec le "devenir millionnaire en un instant ou un raccourci cette façon forumsJe félicite le panneau Angelika Nyobe Andersen (aka Angelika Huwiler), Nayomi Lintini, Megan Bloemker, Amanda Arnfred, Annely Vihmann, Stanley Kaseka,
Deborah Chuma, Elizabeth Mwanza, et Betty Bulongo, qui a dit les masses sont réunis ce qu'ils avaient besoin d'entendre et de savoir. Standing ovation pour les orateurs principaux Christina Kabamba et Donna Mshanga, qui portaient leurs cœurs sur leurs vêtements et partagé l'histoire fascinante du voyage @Kamangawear Kamanga et gardé 1hunnit avec le "dur travail paie" ethos. Le lancement officiel de la WCA - collaboration Porter Kamanga Programme de stages a été le 10 qui a envoyé le mode Think Tank sur le parc. Ce sont tous réunis à craquer!

Il était le 1ne inaugural, la première coupe dans le tissu, et ce un vêtement magnifique qu'ils ont fait en mon honneur que Mode "Zed Zambienne”. Que laissé une marque dans mon cœur était l'interaction et la participation de la communauté au sens large. Le mode Think Tank, où des discussions franches, le dialogue que l'art est accessible et bien que je suis la mode. Je suis trop diverse pour être mis dans une boîte comme les différentes boutiques de la pop jusqu'à la ruche d'activité me illustrés dans toute ma pompe et la splendeur. @OGOJIII Ogojiii est un texte très
important sur la scène Africaine et à moi comme Élan, mais aussi dans l'articulation de l'esthétique interdépendants de ma fratrie et sujets liés à des réalisations visionnaires sur le continent, plus important encore la publication comble le fossé entre talent et risque. Les salles de lecture Ogojiii étaient une initiative son et le mouvement constructif promotion de l'intellect et de développement personnel. La fête se sont réunis magnifiquement, Vista pure et délicieusement défini comme le soleil de la Zambie sous les auspices de la Sky Bar à l'after party et défilé de mode. Dj Ken @vjken_zm manoeuvraient la nuit avec rainures graves qui comprenait Rabs Vhafuwi @RabsVhafuwiSA & Mizz Compter Vos Bénédiction #CYB. Je serai de retour l'année prochaine après mon parti Zambie @Fashion WeekZambiaFashionWeek pour célébrer ma journée avec fashionistas de toutes les couleurs à un # FashionDayOut2 encore plus flamboyante.

attraper ce Vlog parMissKundwe à: Fashion Day Out In 2 minutes

The Day Zed Fashion Grew Up: The Annual Fashion Day Out

Author. the Zambian godfather of Blogging Sir Kempson Ari de Visé Jaffe Joffer
@ZambiazHarshTag   @KempsonAri 

Writing Sound Track played by: @RhabsVhafuwiSA - Count Your Blessings @HeavykDrumboss & @BurnaBoy - Therapy @CalvinHarris - How Deep Is Your Love @Goodlucklive - Figure Of 8ight @Sarkodie - Chingam @AlinaBazra - Drift, Unfold @TenWallsMusic - Sparta @DjKhalid @Drake @rickyrozay @LilTunechi  - I'm On One @rickyrozay & @ChrisBrown - Sorry @G-Unit - Watch Me



nd so it came to pass that on the last Saturday of October,
#FashionDayOut will be an annual event held in my honour as Zambian (Zed) Fashion at Foxdale Court. The usual suspects Angelika Huwiler, Zila Milupi, Bwayla Ngoma stayed on top of the entire situation aided by volunteers I salute for going the distance.  The soldiers of the great fashion effort and culprits turned out in numbers, and also encountered new acquaintances and fashionistas, “the really love me,” I contemplated as I shed a tear. The Millennias of Y @YMagZambia were also in the hodgepodge with cameras and the energy of youth. I was animated to see the collective idea of the Zambia
Fashion Council, MAFASHOW and Foxdale Court @FoxdaleCourt burgeon and come alive with such gusto and panache. The essence of the event was mode, but the meticulousness and generosity with which each stakeholder was treated made the celebration African in nature with a universal perspective. My existence as fashion primarily is the celebration of how diverse we are as a people and through such
jamborees exploring how the various faculties of fashion can empower and benefit the collective and enhance the people. Fashion Day Out was necessary and what was missing in the evolution of Zambian Fashion story, chapeaux.

The buildup was epic, bloggers got busy, Facebook was buzzing on all pages and Larry the Twitter bluebird was in tweeting overdrive, #FashionDayOut was trending by the time the calendar flipped to October 31st. Foxdale Court in their foresight provided free Wi-Fi for the duration of the august event which facilitated the blogger bloc activities and enhanced the social media enterprise.  Ah yes the lady responsible for the artwork and making my name Fashion and the entire event Day Out look so effervescent and picturesque was the amazing Cathy Fundafunda. Her visual construal was an amalgamation that encompassed the quintessence of the event with a jagged pallet and timeless delivery, what a badass that @CathyFundafunda! I saw her breezy hairdo around the pop up bazaars in the piazza. When I’m happening in the area, Kahyi & Kii aka @MaFashio are usually also in the vicinity styling things up at events and activities, they were in full effect making me look spectacular as they do Zed Fashion with a whirl. The tableau vivant (live mannequins) would have made Olga
Desmond proud, they added pizzazz to the elaborateness of the day, bravo models. Best dressed award goes to the only person in a Halloween costume with the feline ears and all, very original and sexy indeed @Nana_Kalenge. Dj Chiti on the ones and twos spun tunes for the ages and kept the rhythm and vibe alive. The Atmosphere Nation @Atmosphere_news collective on tech kept the audio and visual verbatim steady, neither Pompi @ThePompi nor Evans @EMulwe where on the mic, Pompi (in matching brogues with Wifey *laughs*) was actually behind the lens capturing the Fashion Think Tank Ambiance. Vlogger, the only vlogger I know
in Zambia @MissKundwe was also lurking, catch the link to her Vlog at the end of this post.   To help me express how I felt about this magnanimous
occasion, I enlisted the help of my noble scribe @ZambiazHarshTag (The Godfather of blogging), who also collaborated with photographers and fellow bloggers.

The stories shared where genuine and vivid with a moving sincerity, the questions where engaging which made the Think Tank a riveting and thrilling experience. The Winners Circle Association (WCA) @WCAlive15 is definitely winning in their community centered activities and hit a serious home run with poignant nonstop hard hitting intimate sessions. Enough already with the “become an instant millionaire or shortcut this way forums,” I applaud the panel Angelika Nyobe Andersen (aka Angelika Huwiler), Nayomi Lintini, Megan Bloemker, Amanda Arnfred, Annely Vihmann, Stanley Kaseka, Deborah Chuma, Elizabeth Mwanza, and Betty Bulongo, who told the masses gathered what they needed to hear and know. Standing ovation for the
key note speakers Christina Kabamba and Donna Mshanga, who wore their hearts on their garments and shared the fascinating story of the Kamanga @kamangawear journey and kept it 1hunnit with the “hard work paysethos. The official launch of the WCA – Kamanga Wear collaboration Internship Programme was the 10 that sent the Fashion Think Tank out of the park. It all came together at the seams!                   

It was the inaugural 1ne, the first cut in the fabric, and what a beautiful garment

they made in my honour as Zambian “Zed” Fashion. What left a mark in my heart was the interaction and involvement of the wider community. The Fashion Think Tank discussions where candid, the dialogue unguarded as art is and indeed as I am fashion. I am too diverse to be put in a box as the various pop up shops the hive of activity illustrated me in all my pomp and splendor. Ogojiii @OGOJIII is a
very important text to the African arena and to me as Élan but also in articulating my sibling’s interrelated aesthetics and subject matter related to visionary accomplishments on the continent, more importantly the publication bridges the abyss between knack and venture. The Ogojiii reading rooms were a sound initiative and constructive motion promoting intellect and personal development. The fete came together beautifully, pure vista and set delightfully like the Zambian savannah sun under the auspices of The Sky Bar at the after party and fashion show. Dj Ken @vjken_zm jockeyed the night away with serious grooves which included Rabs Vhafuwi & Mizz Count Your Blessing #CYB. I will be back again next year after my Zambia Fashion Week @ZambiaFashionWeek party to celebrate my day with fashionistas of all hues at  an even more flamboyant  #FashionDayOut2.  

Catch that Vlog by @MissKundwe at: Fashion Day Out In 2 minutes 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Celebrating Africa With Afrobloggers

Author. the Zambian godfather of Blogging Sir Kempson Ari Jaffe Joffer
@ZambiazHarshTag   @KempsonAri 

“Just because we live in a country that has problems does not mean we are excluded from enjoying beautiful things.” Reni Folawiyo, Ogojiii Issue 1 Cycle 06/2015


trife is a global occurrence not solely on the African continent, the physical and vivid mental images are mere aftershocks of a greater malevolence fueled by voracity and callous nature of the few that control external power. I refuse to be a pawn or the tonic that keeps the flames of oppression and pessimism burning, mine is a message of triumph in our community. We have a duty as Africans, the young in carrying the banner high and keeping the torch burning and the old must remind us and guide us on who we are as a people as we articulate the destiny only we can utter. Who will stop the violence if not us?  Who will uplift and ease the suffering if not us? Who will preserve our identity if not us?  Who will respect Africans if not us? Who will love Africa if not us? Who will tell the story of Africa if not us?           

Anything in life worth commemorating cannot be applauded alone. Hence the true essence of Celebrating Africa With @Afrobloggers lies in the sovereignty it creates for African bloggers to reach a global audience. I was not alone in my AVI, I shared it with my fellow bloggers @MaFashio who also warrant recognition for their sartorial contributions to the Zambian fashion collective. As #GuestBlogger 12, I shared the little knowledge I have gathered from my experiences thus far and also learnt from others expeditions through exchanges. My blog is part of a whole, a Zambian fragment in the African collective transcending boarders and precincts. The disparate may not have the means to be physically present at ongoing events, or articulate their cause, my blog facilitates the assimilation of aesthetics and social issues on the local, continental and global panorama. The masses want to have a handle on the first Fashion For Brunch or Fashion Day Out in Zambia, on Olu Femi preaching the message of Pan Africanism in Lusaka, Fay Designs of Zambia going to Paris and such tales of inspiration. As such blogging should transcend our circumstances as Africans. Tyranny and anguish exists in the continents edifice, but we must also celebrate the astounding work and valiant efforts of the motherlands children in their various stages be it in fashion, music, gastronomy, literature or design, such is the charge of the blogger and cause Afrobloggers endorse and have been advancing since inception.  

Africa is spoken about like the continent moved or its peoples died, and yet we forget that the rest of the world has stood on the back of Africa that built pyramids and its resource from timber to precious stones and minerals which have been the amalgamation of industries and economies including the Land of The Free that was built for free and western industrialization. Africa, its peoples and an unparalleled heritage existed before the invention of computers, the internet, the mobile phone, and the automobile. These new phenomenon’s are mere extensions and novelties that amplify what has been in existence, ancient practices of aesthetics which are unique from traditional dress, sounds and rhythms, to the bantu languages and various dialects. As an African blogger my lot is to herald to the world what I have known to be true to the Nubian being I am. I have the megaphone to articulate a way of life that was known to me in the womb of the motherland. The fire of Zambian pride and indeed African pride is in my bones and cannot be extinguished, nor the indigenous narrative spring quenched. Thus a blog post is my contribution and reference for future generations told in the present of past events to be remembered in the future. Applause and gratitude Afrobloggers for pressing and articulating the agenda and chronicles of the current crop of African blog scribes and creative minds, who are using blogging as a podium to enhance and influence Africa’s common destiny. Africa can no longer run, Africa must fly.

“Different faces, common goals, one continent. - @Lily_beau_21

My nominees in no particular order
Here are the Guidelines on how this award works:
1.  Once you are nominated, make a post titled CELEBRATING AFRICA WITH AFROBLOGGERS.
2.  Your post should share a brief on Afrobloggers and the work they are doing. Also thank and link the person who nominated you.
3.  Celebrate Africa in the way you feel is more appropriate and in line with your blog’s overall theme.
4.  Nominate 5-10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know you have nominated by commenting on one of their post. You can also nominate the person that nominated you.
5.  Ensure all of these bloggers are of African heritage.

6.  Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.