Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Are You Living Your Dream?

the Review By. the Lord Kempson Ari weYulu

arious things prompt a writer to put pen to paper to vent. Some have a life changing motive and intent, whilst others write purely to entertain. It is seldom however that an author makes their purpose known to the reader in no uncertain terms. “In my mind, I held a vision of someone holding this book, reading and learning something important concerning attaining their dream.”  The title of the book is in itself clear and such a poignant and sincere statement that clearly affirms the writer’s objective and purpose. 
Catherin M. Bwalya’s (@CathyBAuthor) first offering Dreams Can Come True is a breath of fresh air and timely publication offering hope and direction to anyone one who has ever dreamed or has a dream. The fluid and simple manner in which this pick me up is written makes it a must read. Making it even more relevant is the cultural context in which it is written, people from all walks of life can connect and understand the simple yet profound words without having to constantly need a dictionary by their side for reference. For the school leaver, the person at a crossroads in their life, the career person in transition or someone in need of a challenge, this standard is full of life lessons and gems and a lot more.
Each chapter seamlessly continues where the last one left off, making it pleasant to read. Catherin has without doubt archived her objective and delivered on all fronts. Relevance, content and delivery are all above par, a well thought publication by the Zambian lady author motivating the people. With such a page turning debut, we hope this will not be the last we hear from the new writer on the beat.  

Catch Cathy at Planet Books Arcades on Saturday the 29th of August 2015 at her book signing.